life is funny sometimes.

“Whatever you focus on expands your experience.” – Rev. Trish Hall

This is a “planned but unexpected” weekend…it could’ve been a FOMO weekend, as Jenn is away at a conference (with Miss Vitriol….sorry dear)…

Making music for a great cause.

Three great things have happened this weekend – first, I played a phenomenal gig in Charlottesville on Friday night as a fundraiser, and the other musicians and singers were incredible, both with their talent and their generosity. Not only did we have a lot of fun, but they’re interested in writing and recording tracks for my next album!

Second, my plans for Saturday fell through….this could’ve been a FOMO setback, but it became a JOMO (Joy of Missing Out!) breakthrough. I went to the gym, treated myself to a movie (Ford vs. Ferrari), and binge-watched Season 7 of The Ranch on Netflix. My mind stayed in a positive place, and I enjoyed having the day to myself.

A JOMO day!

Lastly, as I’m writing this, I’m in the car (as a passenger) on my way up to Avalon in West Virginia. Between the beautiful foliage on this sunny Sunday afternoon, and knowing that I’ll be unplugged from the world getting some quality R&R, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be today.

The view in West Virginia on the way to Avalon.

This weekend has been an opportunity to focus on a lot of positive things….and the experience has been wonderful.

Published by ltrainlane

Musician, Customer Service Manager, Husband, Father, New York Giants fan, happy-go-lucky (sometimes clothing optional) free spirit....that pretty much sums it up.

One thought on “life is funny sometimes.

  1. Some days I wish I could just get a hug from you! I’ve taken a week off from Facebook.. all though I do miss it I see I’m not missed… no one has bothered to contact me in any other way to check up… some days life is so fast and other days I wish moved faster…
    I’m struggling with a lot right now and it being a bad time of year for me…
    But I’ve been reading your posts! Many warm hugs to you!!!
    And Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


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