taking that first step.

Yesterday was a memorable day.

It started with me singing karaoke last night.

This took place as a work-sponsored event, plus it gave me the chance to catch up with some colleagues who I have not seen in a while.

It was fun to “knock some rust off the pipes” singing a couple of songs I know (Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Stevie Wonder), and a couple I kinda know (Queen – Under Pressure).

Ironically, I felt no pressure at all, as everyone was there solely to have a nice time and some great camaraderie. It was a nice way to do something musical without “doing something musical”…..still not in the mindset of playing gigs, but there’s a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

Step 1: the most important one.

After I got home, I had a chance to talk with a friend who recently lost their daughter in a car accident. It was the first time we’ve had a chance to connect since it happened, and I could feel the heartbreak and sorrow in each and every word. We only talked briefly, but they told me about a project that they hope to do as a way of remembering their daughter. Hearing this news was very inspiring, as it gave me a clearer perspective on how to push forward even when I don’t see or feel the motivation to do so.

As I’m trying to maintain a relationship with my daughter Lauryn (still an uphill battle), and trying to find that missing musical spark, yesterday was one of those days I will never forget.

To my friend and their family, I continue to keep you in my thoughts each and every day, and I have the utmost love and respect for you. Thank you for having the courage and perseverance to take that first step, and for helping me to do the same.

Published by ltrainlane

Musician, Customer Service Manager, Husband, Father, New York Giants fan, happy-go-lucky (sometimes clothing optional) free spirit....that pretty much sums it up.

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